Join the campaign #smilegoalhai

2020 was a year full of uncertainties and as the pandemic hit and continued to show its wrath, many suffered. The acid attacks survivors already going through trauma and fighting odds to make a living and have their own place in society were no exception to this. They suffered all the more as the lockdown heightened their challenges.
They had found solace in Cafe Sheroes Hangout as it became their knight in shining armor to help them get employed and aided them financially. The lockdown restrictions and the pandemic itself, led to low footfall at the cafes leaving them barren resulting in their shut down.
The shut down led to the halting of payment of salaries to staff and survivors, fellowship amounts, rent & utility bills of cafes and rehabilitation centres, medical treatments and checkups, and the overall functioning of the foundation
All this snatched the survivors’ and staff’s smiles and happiness away and left them heartbroken as this was their only ray of hope and very smoothly was securing their livelihood.
We are trusting the magic of new beginnings!
We are taking a leap of faith and launching a campaign ‘SMILE GOAL HAI’ as an answer to the wrath of the pandemic.
Smile is our goal for the coming year, we have to make sure that survivors and people associated with Chhanv Foundation carry their lost smiles all year long without any hassle.
The aim of the campaign is to rejuvenate and lighten those precious smiles of our survivors and staff and secure their livelihood. ‘Smile Goal Hai’ campaign focuses on gathering 1 million smiles in the year 2021. The motto of the campaign is ‘Smile and move on’ referring to all the challenges we faced due to the lockdown which uprooted our lives and how we can smile and move on from it in the coming year.
Be a reason for someone’s smile, it will warm your heart. Khushiyan hamare aas-paas hi hain, bas unhe dhundna hai!
Take up the challenge of spreading this virus of a smile.
-Participate and post your smile for someone you love
-Tag 2 more people with hashtags #smilegoalhai and #1millionsmiles.
-Your support can help us revive Cafe Sheroes Hangout and bring
back the smiles of our warriors.